Shandon Time Trials 1973

Well, before there were time trials in Cleves there was as my father once described it, “a sleepy little town” named Shandon in southern Butler County. The area was well known by the members of the Queen City Wheelmen because in the early 70’s the majority of riders in Cincinnati rode west of Cincinnati up toward Oxford, Ohio.

So if you start in Shandon on state route 126 – Cincinnati Brookville road and ride 5 miles west and then turn around and come back to Shandon you will have successfully retraced the original QCW time trial course. Riding this route will take you up one good sized hill, for a time trial, and across a set of railroad tracks, and then you get to do both again on your way back. Don’t forget to thank Mary Gallagher for standing in the road to mark the turnaround spot.

Unfortunately the time trials brought Shandon a little too much excitement one Tuesday night when a dog took a rider out right as he was finishing. The local sheriff took exception to all the commotion and suggested we not come back. We didn’t.